pg advisory locks
Arun Gokule
2014-10-12 16:41:27 UTC

I am executing pg_advisory_locks using the following set of statements:

SELECT pg_advisory_lock(317,2);
UPDATE posts SET dislikers = array_remove(dislikers, 7) WHERE id = 317;
update posts set num_dislikes = icount(dislikers), updated_at = now()
where id = 317;
WITH update_likers AS (SELECT pg_advisory_unlock(317,2)) select num_likes,
num_dislikes, (7 IN (select(unnest(likers)))) as liked, (7 IN
(select(unnest(dislikers)))) as disliked from posts where id = 317 LIMIT 1;

These are issued from a multithreaded app. One in 1000 queries, I get a
deadlock after the execution of the above set of statements. i.e. SELECT
try_pg_advisory_lock(317,2) returns false. Is there something obvious that
I am doing wrong?

Arun Gokule
2014-10-13 02:57:01 UTC
Also I noticed that executing the following query:

SELECT DISTINCT age(now(), query_start) AS age,
pg_stat_activity.xact_start, pg_stat_activity.state_change,
pg_stat_activity.waiting, pg_stat_activity.state,
pg_stat_activity.query_start, left(pg_stat_activity.query, 60)
FROM pg_stat_activity, pg_locks
WHERE pg_locks.pid = pg_stat_activity.pid
) AS foo
WHERE age > '30 seconds'

I get 2 entries for the pid 78573 with one as granted = true and the other
as granted =false but they have the same timestamps. See below:

age | pid | granted | application_name |
backend_start | xact_start |
state_change | waiting | state | query_start |
10:53:25.394862 | 78261 | t | bin/rails | 2014-10-12
05:20:04.543242-07 | | 2014-10-12
08:57:22.950505-07 | f | idle | 2014-10-12 08:57:22.949693-07 |
SELECT pg_advisory_lock(317,2);UPDATE posts SET dislikers =
10:53:23.50218 | 78573 | t | bin/rails | 2014-10-12
05:37:58.120879-07 | 2014-10-12 08:57:24.842375-07 | 2014-10-12
08:57:24.842379-07 | t | active | 2014-10-12 08:57:24.842375-07 |
SELECT pg_advisory_lock(317,2);UPDATE posts SET likers = arr
10:53:23.50218 | 78573 | f | bin/rails | 2014-10-12
05:37:58.120879-07 | 2014-10-12 08:57:24.842375-07 | 2014-10-12
08:57:24.842379-07 | t | active | 2014-10-12 08:57:24.842375-07 |
SELECT pg_advisory_lock(317,2);UPDATE posts SET likers = arr
00:57:53.495221 | 90360 | t | bin/rails | 2014-10-12
18:43:20.09202-07 | | 2014-10-12
18:52:54.849397-07 | f | idle | 2014-10-12 18:52:54.849334-07 |
SELECT "posts"."id" AS t0_r0, "posts"."content" AS t0_r1, "p
Post by Arun Gokule
SELECT pg_advisory_lock(317,2);
UPDATE posts SET dislikers = array_remove(dislikers, 7) WHERE id = 317;
update posts set num_dislikes = icount(dislikers), updated_at = now()
where id = 317;
WITH update_likers AS (SELECT pg_advisory_unlock(317,2)) select
num_likes, num_dislikes, (7 IN (select(unnest(likers)))) as liked, (7 IN
(select(unnest(dislikers)))) as disliked from posts where id = 317 LIMIT 1;
These are issued from a multithreaded app. One in 1000 queries, I get a
deadlock after the execution of the above set of statements. i.e. SELECT
try_pg_advisory_lock(317,2) returns false. Is there something obvious that
I am doing wrong?
Alban Hertroys
2014-10-13 08:05:40 UTC
Post by Arun Gokule
SELECT pg_advisory_lock(317,2);
UPDATE posts SET dislikers = array_remove(dislikers, 7) WHERE id = 317;
update posts set num_dislikes = icount(dislikers), updated_at = now() where id = 317;
WITH update_likers AS (SELECT pg_advisory_unlock(317,2)) select num_likes, num_dislikes, (7 IN (select(unnest(likers)))) as liked, (7 IN (select(unnest(dislikers)))) as disliked from posts where id = 317 LIMIT 1;
These are issued from a multithreaded app. One in 1000 queries, I get a deadlock after the execution of the above set of statements. i.e. SELECT try_pg_advisory_lock(317,2) returns false. Is there something obvious that I am doing wrong?
Your last query doesn’t call the unlock statement, that WITH section is going to be ignored as the query isn’t using it.

Alban Hertroys
If you can't see the forest for the trees,
cut the trees and you'll find there is no forest.
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