Watching Views
Nick Guenther
2014-07-18 03:13:03 UTC
Dear List,

I am interested in replicating views of my data in real time to a
frontend visualizer. I've looked around, and it seems that most
applications in this direction write some ad-hoc json-formatter that
spits out exactly the columns it is interested in. I want something
more like Cubes[1], where a user (or at least, some javascript) can
say "I am interested in this slice of the world", and then get updates
to that slice, but unlike Cubes it must be near-real-time: I want to
hook events, not just redownload tables.

In principle, I am looking for some way to say
CREATE VIEW view13131 AS select (id, name, bank_account) from actors
where age > 22;
WATCH view13131;

and get output to stdout like
INSERT view13131 VALUES (241, "Mortimer", 131.09);
INSERT view13131 VALUES (427, "Schezwan", 95.89);
UPDATE view13131 SET bank_account = 1017.12 WHERE id = 427;
DELETE FROM view13131 WHERE id = 92;
(and then I would stick a SQL-to-JSON proxy in the middle to make it
more web-happy, and handle disconnects with a corresponding UNWATCH

I am stumped about the best way to go about this. Is there any
extension that does this specific task for postgres?

CouchDB seems to have this implemented[2](!) but there are a lot of
reasons I am wary of going that route. dat[3] is specifically for
"real-time replication and versioning for data sets"; it's super new
and shakey, but promising.

I spent awhile trying to implement the replication protocol[4] before
I found a tip[5] which pointed out that the confusing, opaque, binary
data I was getting (like
b'x00\x98\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\n\x00\x1f\x00\***@bid\x00\x98\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\n\x00\x1e\x00\***@dicks\x00\x00\x00\x98\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\n\x00\x10\x00\***@event_2_2\x00\x00\x00\x15@\x00\x00\x00\x00\n\x00\x08\x00\***@event_2_1\x00\x00\x00\x15@\x00\x00\x00\x00\n\x00\x01\x00\***@event_2_0\x00\x00\x00\x15@\x00\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x14\x00 @event_2_2_txid_idx\x00\x00\x15@\x00\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x0f\x00\***@event_2_2\x00\x00\x00\x15@\x00\x00\x00\x00\t\x00\x0e\x00 @event_2_1_txid_idx\x00\x00\x15@') is--I believe, please correct me if I'm wrong--a verbatim copy of postgres's internal data structures. Will it pay off to reverse and reimplement these data structures in javascript? The tipster seemed to think not, but that was 6 years ago. Also, this solution doesn't give me the abilit
y to slice data, though I could hack it with some kind of ridiculous proxy database

I discovered Skytools[6]'s Londiste, which will replicate only
specific tables and seems very close to what I want, but it seems like
it has a lot of administrative overhead and is targetted at
postgres-to-postgres log shipping. Does anyone know if I can hook it
somewhere in the middle in order to extract the CREATE, UPDATE and
DELETE events?

My last option that I am considering is writing code myself which sets
and unsets Postgres triggers corresponding to each WATCH statement. I
could implement this as PL/pgSQL or on Python+SQLAlchemy. This seems
like it might end up fragile, so if I do end up going this route, I
would appreciate any tidbits and gotchas you might have to share. If I
ALTER VIEW will the triggers all fire appropriately? Can I even set
triggers on views?

Thanks in advance
-Nick Guenther
4B Stats/CS
University of Waterloo

[1] Cubes <http://cubes.databrewery.org/>
[2] CouchDB. "Filtered Replication".
[3] https://github.com/maxogden/dat
[4] Postgres Streaming Replication Protocol
<http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/protocol-replication.html> /
Guide <http://guide.couchdb.org/draft/notifications.html#continuous>
[5] Erik Jones, "Re: reading WAL files in python"
[6] SkyTools <http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Skytools>
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David G Johnston
2014-07-18 05:18:45 UTC
Post by Nick Guenther
Dear List,
I am interested in replicating views of my data in real time to a
frontend visualizer. I've looked around, and it seems that most
applications in this direction write some ad-hoc json-formatter that
spits out exactly the columns it is interested in. I want something
more like Cubes[1], where a user (or at least, some javascript) can
say "I am interested in this slice of the world", and then get updates
to that slice, but unlike Cubes it must be near-real-time: I want to
hook events, not just redownload tables.
In principle, I am looking for some way to say
CREATE VIEW view13131 AS select (id, name, bank_account) from actors
where age > 22;
WATCH view13131;
and get output to stdout like
INSERT view13131 VALUES (241, "Mortimer", 131.09);
INSERT view13131 VALUES (427, "Schezwan", 95.89);
UPDATE view13131 SET bank_account = 1017.12 WHERE id = 427;
DELETE FROM view13131 WHERE id = 92;
9.4 - http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/logicaldecoding.html

Though I doubt your requirement to obtain only a subset of data is something
that can be accommodated; especially in SQL form.

And, yes, you can create triggers on views.


But assuming your view is meant to be dynamic, covering only the subset of
data you wish to watch, no one is going to be using your view to actually
Insert/Update/Delete against the underlying table(s) so it will not do you
any good to add triggers to it.

You probably need to create some kind of materialized view and add a trigger
to the relevant source table to maintain that view on an ongoing basis.
Then remove the trigger (and optionally the materialized view) when you no
longer care to watch.

.... or roll your own.

You can also use the full power of whatever programming languages you can
install onto the server (e.g., pl/perl, pl/python, pl/sh) to link up with
the outside world from inside one of those triggers...

David J.

View this message in context: http://postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com/Watching-Views-tp5811927p5811931.html
Sent from the PostgreSQL - general mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Nick Guenther
2014-07-24 00:10:41 UTC
Post by David G Johnston
Post by Nick Guenther
Dear List,
In principle, I am looking for some way to say
CREATE VIEW view13131 AS select (id, name, bank_account) from actors
where age > 22;
WATCH view13131;
and get output to stdout like
INSERT view13131 VALUES (241, "Mortimer", 131.09);
INSERT view13131 VALUES (427, "Schezwan", 95.89);
UPDATE view13131 SET bank_account = 1017.12 WHERE id = 427;
DELETE FROM view13131 WHERE id = 92;
9.4 - http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/logicaldecoding.html
Though I doubt your requirement to obtain only a subset of data is something
that can be accommodated; especially in SQL form.
And, yes, you can create triggers on views.
But assuming your view is meant to be dynamic, covering only the subset of
data you wish to watch, no one is going to be using your view to actually
Insert/Update/Delete against the underlying table(s) so it will not do you
any good to add triggers to it.
You probably need to create some kind of materialized view and add a trigger
to the relevant source table to maintain that view on an ongoing basis.
Then remove the trigger (and optionally the materialized view) when you no
longer care to watch.
.... or roll your own.
You can also use the full power of whatever programming languages you can
install onto the server (e.g., pl/perl, pl/python, pl/sh) to link up with
the outside world from inside one of those triggers...
Thanks David, your tips were very helpful. I'm not a SQL expert, but
these ideas springboarded me ahead. I've been playing with your ideas
this week and I've come up with a way to extract the logical changes
without using 9.4, which I'll share here in case anyone else is
curious. This is preliminary, so don't rely on it for anything
important. It doesn't write "DELETE FROM " lines, but it does write
the data in a json-esque format which could be without too much work
turned into my invented WATCH language.

-- watch.psql
-- This postgres + pl/python2 script demonstrates watching changes to
a table via a trigger.
-- Python opens a FIFO on which it writes lines like
-- "+ {'rating': 3, 'kind': 'Documentary', 'name': 'The Mail Man'}".
-- The FIFO part is the flakiest bit, because it requires you to load
the trigger,
-- then immediately run a reader (e.g. `tail -f
-- *before* any DB updates happen.
-- If you have no reader, updates will fail (the kernel will raise
ENXIO at "print >>FIFO").
-- The other option is to ignore the ENXIOs, but then changes will get
lost. I'm not sure.
-- Some more design (subprocess? calling this from a master script?)
can probably fix that awkwardness.
-- The second point of flakiness is that attaching the trigger is
rather verbose.
-- This can be solved with pl/pgsql subroutines.
-- This could be probably done in plpgsql, but I know python better,
and it comes with serialization (json, msgpack, pickle) available
-- these tips are due to
-- The reason I'm not using "Logical Decoding"
<http://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/static/logicaldecoding-example.html> is
because it's still in devel---not even Arch Linux, usually full of
bleeding edge code, has this feature yet. Plus it requires fiddling
with the .conf file.

CREATE TABLE films (name text, kind text, rating int);

CREATE FUNCTION watch_table() RETURNS trigger AS $$
tablename = TD["args"][0]

FIFO = "_changes_%s" % (tablename,)
if "FIFO" not in SD:
#this is our first time running in this instance of the python
# run initializations

#PL/Python is really meant for small one-off tasks, mostly. Most
data should probably just be stuffed straight into the database.
# however, things like file descriptors don't work so well like that
# for these things, we need to use the facilities PL/python
# summary is: SD stands for "static data" and behaves like
static locals in C (they must have some kind of trap table kicking
around that switches in values of SD when the appropriate function is
# GD stands for "global data" and is the same everywhere
# both begin as empty dictionaries
# note also that it seems that one python interpreter is
invoked ~per client connection~; not per-statement (which would be too
fine) nor per
import sys, os

if os.path.exists(FIFO):
#TODO: check that, if it exists, it's a FIFO and we have perms on it
print("attempting to construct fifo", FIFO)
except Exception as e:
import traceback
print("couldn't make FIFO '%s'. ignoring" % FIFO)
# XXX problem: a nonblocking pipe cannot be opened until there is
a reader to read it; the reader may go away after a moment and
everything will be peachy, but startup is hard
# ..hm.

fd = os.open(FIFO, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK) #O_NONBLOCK is
key; otherwise, this line will *hang* the postgres process until
someone opens the other end
FIFO = os.fdopen(fd, "w", 0) #OVERWRITES; buffering=0 means
unbuffered, important for our real-time changes goal

FIFO = SD["FIFO"] #retrieve the FIFO from the static data, if this
is our second (or even first) time around

print "Change occurred:", TD #debugging
if TD["event"] == "INSERT":
print >>FIFO, "+", TD["new"]
elif TD["event"] == "UPDATE":
print >>FIFO, TD["old"], "-->", TD["new"]
elif TD["event"] == "DELETE":
print >>FIFO, "-", TD["old"]
$$ language plpython2u;

CREATE TRIGGER watch_table___
ON films
EXECUTE PROCEDURE watch_table('films');

-- Demo: run `tail -f data/_changes_films` and then let the following
lines run.
-- You should see
-- + {'rating': 0, 'kind': 'Documentary', 'name': 'Grass'}
-- + {'rating': 3, 'kind': 'Documentary', 'name': 'The Mail Man'}
-- + {'rating': 5, 'kind': 'Comedy', 'name': 'Superfly'}
-- - {'rating': 0, 'kind': 'Documentary', 'name': 'Grass'}
-- - {'rating': 3, 'kind': 'Documentary', 'name': 'The Mail Man'}
-- as written, you might need to run this script twice: once to get
the mkfifo() to happen
-- then again with tail running.
INSERT INTO films VALUES ('Grass', 'Documentary', 0);
INSERT INTO films VALUES ('The Mail Man', 'Documentary', 3);
INSERT INTO films VALUES ('Superfly', 'Comedy', 5);
DELETE FROM films WHERE rating < 5;

As you said, attaching the trigger to a view is useless (for
BEFORE/AFTER, which I'm interested in, also only works on statement
level changes, which I would rather not have to deal with). I tried
attaching my trigger to a materialized view and found that postgres
does not support that; as you said, I need to write a trigger on the
source to keep the materialized view and the source in sync. But in
that case I don't think a materialized view helps me at all, since
without triggers on it I can't even have it compute the diffs for me
(and I suspect that internally postgres simply truncates the old table
and refills it, so there would be nothing to hook anyway).

My bottleneck is the size of my database and the network: I want to
take slices of a potentially gigabytes-large database and stream them
out to multiple clients. Thus I need to stream--not poll--for changes.
I think a materialized view would force me to poll for changes, and in
that case I would be doing REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW on each poll and
therefore not winning anything over a regualar view. Ideally, when an
update comes in to a parent table I want all views that have sliced it
to be notified; I'm interested in doing dataflow* programming,
essentially. Is there maybe some sort of extension that does
dependency tracking inside of postgres?
Nick Guenther
4B Stats/CS
University of Waterloo

* Good examples of dataflow programming are in Knockout
<http://knockoutjs.com/documentation/computedObservables.html> and
Lava <http://lava.codeplex.com/>. Also Elm <http://elm-lang.org/>,
though Elm calls "dataflow" "functional reactive".
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David G Johnston
2014-07-24 05:57:58 UTC
Post by Nick Guenther
As you said, attaching the trigger to a view is useless (for
BEFORE/AFTER, which I'm interested in, also only works on statement
level changes, which I would rather not have to deal with). I tried
attaching my trigger to a materialized view and found that postgres
does not support that; as you said, I need to write a trigger on the
source to keep the materialized view and the source in sync. But in
that case I don't think a materialized view helps me at all, since
without triggers on it I can't even have it compute the diffs for me
(and I suspect that internally postgres simply truncates the old table
and refills it, so there would be nothing to hook anyway).
My bottleneck is the size of my database and the network: I want to
take slices of a potentially gigabytes-large database and stream them
out to multiple clients. Thus I need to stream--not poll--for changes.
I think a materialized view would force me to poll for changes, and in
that case I would be doing REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW on each poll and
therefore not winning anything over a regualar view. Ideally, when an
update comes in to a parent table I want all views that have sliced it
to be notified; I'm interested in doing dataflow* programming,
essentially. Is there maybe some sort of extension that does
dependency tracking inside of postgres?
While PostgreSQL has materialized view functionality built in the concept is
general and can be done manually. Instead of the main table having the link
to the FIFO I was thinking you would instead replicate record changes to all
active subset tables and then triggers on those tables would send the
relevant changes out to the world.

Keep in mind you can attach a where clause to your trigger, and I think you
can pass in arguments to it as well. You should have on trigger per view
attached to the source table - though with good meta-data and some imposed
limits you can probably pool some clients into the same stream.

Database size is less an issue compared to the change rate of the affected
table(s). Triggers let you plug into the change stream.

You could even cascade the triggers so less restrictive filters are grouped
together at one layer and those materialized views then forward to other
tables with more restrictive filters.

If you make these other tables UNLOGGED you should be able to mitigate the
performance hit somewhat.

Beyond that if your views have common and reasonably broad high-level
filters you should consider both in-database partitioning and multiserver

The client, not the trigger, should create the FIFO. If the FIFO is
unusable the trigger should update a control table and a monitor process
should remove that trigger at the next scan. This should then be extended
to provide control over the addition and removal of viewers and their
corresponding schematic objects.

The view tables also help avoid the problem since then even if a FIFO write
fails you have an idea of what should have been, but was not, written and
can cause it to be written later once the client is listening.

Before stock 9.4 triggers are all you got. 9.4 gives logical wal but no
clue how that works. There my be solutions via third-party tools like Slony
but I am not familiar with them but they focus on direct database

Mostly theorizing as I've never actually coded this kind of process...so
some of these ideas may not pan out.

David J.

View this message in context: http://postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com/Watching-Views-tp5811927p5812680.html
Sent from the PostgreSQL - general mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Nick Guenther
2014-09-19 02:40:58 UTC
Ah! Your reply was excellent, David. I only found it now, cleaning out
my inbox. Comments inline!
Post by David G Johnston
Post by Nick Guenther
As you said, attaching the trigger to a view is useless (for
BEFORE/AFTER, which I'm interested in, also only works on statement
level changes, which I would rather not have to deal with). I tried
attaching my trigger to a materialized view and found that postgres
does not support that; as you said, I need to write a trigger on the
source to keep the materialized view and the source in sync. But in
that case I don't think a materialized view helps me at all, since
without triggers on it I can't even have it compute the diffs for me
(and I suspect that internally postgres simply truncates the old table
and refills it, so there would be nothing to hook anyway).
My bottleneck is the size of my database and the network: I want to
take slices of a potentially gigabytes-large database and stream them
out to multiple clients. Thus I need to stream--not poll--for changes.
I think a materialized view would force me to poll for changes, and in
that case I would be doing REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW on each poll and
therefore not winning anything over a regualar view. Ideally, when an
update comes in to a parent table I want all views that have sliced it
to be notified; I'm interested in doing dataflow* programming,
essentially. Is there maybe some sort of extension that does
dependency tracking inside of postgres?
While PostgreSQL has materialized view functionality built in the concept is
general and can be done manually. Instead of the main table having the link
to the FIFO I was thinking you would instead replicate record changes to all
active subset tables and then triggers on those tables would send the
relevant changes out to the world.
Keep in mind you can attach a where clause to your trigger, and I think you
can pass in arguments to it as well. You should have on trigger per view
attached to the source table - though with good meta-data and some imposed
limits you can probably pool some clients into the same stream.
I actually ended up independently deciding on using triggers.
I spent a long time agonizing over trying to avoid triggers
because tie me to postgres, but they ended up not being so bad
and I even think that duplicating the work for MySQL at least should
not be that bad.

The hooks I wrote are in python (don't laugh) and are at
All the hooks do are export {INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE}s to json--
So far filtering is only in my frontend--in javascript. I did this because
rightly points outthat centralizing database slicing means creating
an artificial bottleneck. If you're curious, what I've got so far is
at https://github.com/kousu/modex/blob/databased/src/frontend/tables.js
But now I'm musing on how to do the same in the database.

For context, my use case has several game instances in parallel. So,
each game has many clients which should share a part of the database,
and each client individually further slices the data depending on what
its user wants to investigate. Sharing data between the games and then
having them use their in-javascript triggers to just ignore each other
is possible--and my current implementation supports that--but it would
be a lot better and less memory and bandwidth heavy if I could have
the database do the initial "share a part" slice, and even better
slices could be deduplicated--that is, if I could pooling clients
onto the a single table instead.

Right now, I foresee the final javascript API being something like

var DB = Remote_DB.table("buildings") //create an AST representing
.where(Column("run_id") // "select
location, kind, cost from buildings where run_id = $1"
.select("location", "kind", "cost")
DB = DB.execute() //invoke the AST inside of postgres, which should
wire up triggers doing dataflow
var points = DB.where(Column("location") //create an in-javascript
dataflow node
.within((x,y), 500)) // which
uses triggers (currently
PourOver's Events) to watch
the source for changes.
var expensive = DB.max("expensive") // Create another one, which will
update simultaneously with its sibling
when the source database changes

I would like the AST (and postgres hooks that back it) to have all the
same methods as the javascript-dataflow part so that changing the
boundary of where the processing is happening is transparent.

I'm not super fluent in Postgres. Would the best way to do this be to
create throwaway tables named with UUIDs or something? That seems
inelegant. The other thing I've thought of doing is building a
dataflow system (necessarily including a novel query language) in
front of postgres, but that seems even less elegant.

What I'm thinking about is some kind of awesome overarching
meta-everything stored-procedure dataflow system. Should I be
surprised that I haven't seen anything like this before? Dataflow and
databases seem like such a natural fit and postgres is so popular that
I suspect I've missed something. Though, I suppose, historically, SQL
has lived in interactive, centralized-mainframe systems.
Post by David G Johnston
Database size is less an issue compared to the change rate of the affected
table(s). Triggers let you plug into the change stream.
Can you expand on this point? I think I may not have explained myself clearly.
I am worried about my database size because, right now, when the 1000th
game is played, the users need to download 999 previous complete games.
This won't scale.
Post by David G Johnston
You could even cascade the triggers so less restrictive filters are grouped
together at one layer and those materialized views then forward to other
tables with more restrictive filters.
This is a good idea! Automating figuring out what can be factored out
to higher levels efficiently seems like a whole research project in
itself, but I'll leave a giant big TODO about that and credit you for
the idea.
Post by David G Johnston
If you make these other tables UNLOGGED you should be able to mitigate the
performance hit somewhat.
This is a really good idea that I did not think about. I only learned
about UNLOGGED the other day from a different thread. If I'd been
paying attention to this thread it would have been in immediately!
Post by David G Johnston
The client, not the trigger, should create the FIFO. If the FIFO is
unusable the trigger should update a control table and a monitor process
should remove that trigger at the next scan. This should then be extended
to provide control over the addition and removal of viewers and their
corresponding schematic objects.
That's funny. I sort of did end up doing that, but not for any
particular reason.

I have a middleware script between javascript and postgres because
plpython dies once the session dies, and I couldn't figure out how to.
That middleware script creates the FIFO:

And the stored procedure just writes down what it's told:

The middleware is supposed to delete itself too:
but if it hard-crashes,
https://github.com/kousu/modex/blob/databased/src/backend/db/replicate.pysql#L72 cleans up in the way that you
Post by David G Johnston
The view tables also help avoid the problem since then even if a FIFO write
fails you have an idea of what should have been, but was not, written and
can cause it to be written later once the client is listening.
I have mulled this but decided it is dangerous. Consider an attack
like a TCP SYN DDoS: attacker opens M clients but only carries the
session long enough to know the database has started replicating, and
then just drops further packets. Then you have M*#(changes) of backlog
going nowhere. Instead, my middleware script catches new clients up to
the current state, so that if a client drops it just needs to
reconnect and wait before getting anything new off the change stream,
though I'm not 100% sure my logic for that won't break under load

((this code starts
and I would appreciate anyone telling me if I'm misusing cursors and
Post by David G Johnston
Before stock 9.4 triggers are all you got. 9.4 gives logical wal but no
clue how that works. There my be solutions via third-party tools like Slony
but I am not familiar with them but they focus on direct database
Yes! I am excited for this! replicate.pysql seems to implement much of
the same ideas as logical replication, but with a different API.

In theory, I want more than just replication, though. I want
full-fledged dataflow; e.g. I want, say
which is like MATERIALIZED VIEW except instead of REFRESH MATERIALIZED
VIEW the view depends on triggers that keep it in sync automatically.
And to be clear, I don't just want filtered replication
(http://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/replication/protocol.html?highlight=filtered%20replication#filter-replication), I want to be able to do operations too; consider this dataflow DISTINCT operator that I

But maybe exposing a rich set of operators is another DDoS hole...
what do you think?
Post by David G Johnston
Mostly theorizing as I've never actually coded this kind of process...so
some of these ideas may not pan out.
David J.
Well, in a year or so I will hopefully have something useful--and in
C, not python--to share!
Nick Guenther
4B Stats/CS
University of Waterloo
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